mei zen cosmetic acupuncture

Mei Zen means “Beautiful Person” in Chinese Medicine

What if you could…

get a facelift with no surgery, no drugs, no chemicals, no recovery time, and experience only beneficial side effects like better sleep and mood?

Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture uses your own Qi (energy) and blood to achieve results.

Most impressive of all, it works.

beneficial side effects

    • Improved complexion

    • Invigorated elasticity

    • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines

    • Leveling of deeper wrinkles

    • Improvement of the beginnings of jowls

    • Reduction of acne and rosacea

    • Reduction in puffiness

    • Can help with Bell’s palsy and post-stroke paralysis

    • Balance of oily and dry skin

    • Increased blood flow and lymph circulation

    • Tightened pores

    • Reduction of inflammation in the face

    • Reduction of dark circles under the eyes

    • Reduction in hot flashes and night sweats

    • Less anxiety

    • Reduction in mild depression

    • More energy

    • Less insomnia

    • Overall body rejuvenation

    • Cleared sinus congestion

    • Eyes look and feel brighter

    • Resolved headaches

    • Improved digestion

    • No more need to wear foundation

    • No more need to wear chapstick (lips feel more moisturized)

    • Feel more confident and beautiful!

How does mei zen work?

Mei Zen means “beautiful person” and is based on ancient Chinese medicine practices and principles. Mei Zen uses a minimally invasive needling technique that works to rebuild the elastin and collagen matrix of the skin. In other words, each needle creates a micro trauma that stimulates the dermis (aka the “brain” of the skin) to rebuild itself with new skin.

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Offerings

  • Acupuncture Face Lift

    The Mei Zen acupuncture face lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for five weeks. At the end of each session, you will receive a pampering skin treatment with high quality skin products from USANA Health Sciences and experience the cooling, massaging, and lifting effects of a rose-quartz roller, which you will get to take home with you after your last session.

    $2,250 for 10 treatments

  • Acupuncture Neck Lift

    The Mei Zen acupuncture neck lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for five weeks. At the end of each session you will receive a pampering skin treatment with high quality skin products from USANA Health Sciences and experience the cooling, massaging, and lifting effects of a rose-quartz roller, which you will get to take home with you after your last session.

    $2,250 for 10 treatments

  • Acupuncture Abdominal Lift

    The Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week for six weeks. It is highly effective for weight loss, healing digestion, scar and stretch mark reduction, resolving reproductive disorders and boosting fertility, as well as improving overall appearance. For increased therapeutic results, you may combine two Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lifts in a row.

    $2,700 for 12 treatments

Add-On Skin Care, Supplements & Herbs

Skin Care

The skin care I use after each Mei Zen face lift and neck lift session is from USANA Health Sciences and is available for purchase. Just like their supplements, USANA’s skin care is formulated by scientists who are experts in cellular nutrition and they choose to adhere to pharmaceutical grade (the highest available) manufacturing practices. Using USANA skin care daily will enhance your Mei Zen results.

$250 for three-month supply


It is widely known that taking a high quality multi-vitamin and fish oil, as well as other supplements to address deficiencies, contribute to healthy skin, hair, and nails. Our skin is only as healthy as our cells, which is why I prescribe supplements from USANA Health Sciences, which are formulated by scientists who are experts in cellular nutrition. Taking your customized USANA supplement regimen daily will enhance your Mei Zen results.

$55 – $150 for one-month supply


There are many Chinese herbs traditionally used to enhance, nourish, and heal the skin. After your initial treatment, where I will evaluate your tongue and pulse and complete a detailed intake, I can prescribe one to two herbal formulas that will address the root imbalance that is causing or contributing to any skin or health condition. Taking your customized Chinese herbal regimen will enhance your Mei Zen results.

$32 per bottle, lasts 10-14 days

Before & After

Kind words from patients

I have been seeing Josie for regular acupuncture for years and I know how it has changed my life in so many ways so I could not wait to try Mei Zen! I was a little hesitant about having this treatment done on my face, after many mouth surgeries, I am super sensitive about anything being done to my face. I decided to just go for it!

After the first treatment I noticed that my cheeks were actually rosy! My skin was glowing! I could not believe it! After the second treatment, it was even more glowing and felt so plump and hydrated!

Everyone I would see would literally ask me what I was doing. What have you been using on your face? Even my kids said I looked like I was ‘glowing’!

One of the things that I noticed is that I did NOT have to wear ANY foundation and my lips were not chapped anymore which is unheard of for me!

The after skin care treatment that Josie does after every session is amazing and you leave feeling invigorated and beautiful! I wish I would have known about this treatment 15 years ago!

I am recommending this to all of my friends!!

Thank you Josie!

— Brenda Ballard, 45, CFO

In my early 40s, I started looking into Botox, but I didn't like the idea of increasing my body's toxic burden or losing facial muscle tone after long-term use. I had been a patient of Josie's for a while, so when they told me about Mei Zen, I was excited to try it.

I wasn't quite sure what kind of an outcome to expect, but after a few treatments, I noticed improved circulation in my face and the lines around my eyes started to disappear.

After completing the treatment, I've noticed softer skin, a more consistent skin tone, and an overall firmness that was not there pre-treatment.

This process felt like more of an internal, ‘from-within’ anti-aging method, rather than some of the more surface-related procedures like injections or topical treatments.

In addition to the improvements I saw on my face, I felt a deep relaxation and less anxiety on the treatment days.

Overall, I'm really pleased with the results, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to others.

— T.K., 43, Business Owner

Receiving Mei Zen acupuncture from Josie at Intersectional Fertility was such a wonderful, transformation. It felt like the ultimate self care, I left every treatment with glowing, youthful skin. The after treatment skincare and crystal roller was exquisite!

Josie is skillful and thoughtful in their approach. The best part was getting a traditional treatment along with the Mei Zen, I left feeling centered, grounded, steady and beautiful.

Within the first two treatments I could see a difference in my skin tone and evenness in color. As the sessions went on I noticed some delightful and unexpected side effects—when I am outside in the cold weather my cheeks turn a cute rose color as opposed to my nose and chin getting red and irritated.

I got a cold toward the end of my treatments and had to use a box of drying facial tissues, my nose became raw and typically would have proceeded to crack and take weeks to heal, but because of the Mei Zen treatments, after a day or two the skin around my mouth and nose was completely healed and never got to the cracked, painful stage.

I am a couple of weeks out from all ten treatments and my skin looks hydrated, full and even. This treatment is something I would recommend to anyone living in this type of desert climate, I wish I knew about it 20 years ago when I first moved to Denver.

— Lisa Rundall, Patient


  • If you’ve never seen me for acupuncture, you’ll need to schedule an Initial Treatment here, and then you can schedule all ten (or twelve if you’re doing the abdominal treatments) of your Mei Zen treatments using the same link. Make sure to schedule your Mei Zen treatments twice a week for five weeks, with at least two days between each treatment. If you’re an established patient at Intersectional Fertility, you can go ahead and schedule all ten or twelve of your Mei Zen treatments without scheduling an Initial Treatment first.

  • Yes, definitely! You can even keep your eye makeup on during each treatment, as I won’t touch your eyes at all. Just come with no foundation on, and you can reapply afterwards if you’d like. Or go foundation-free for the day and enjoy your results!

  • Mei Zen treatment uses small needles in specific acupuncture points on the face, neck, or abdomen. Each needle causes a micro-trauma in the dermis and triggers the collagen matrix to activate and re-build. That’s why the results are so dramatic and lasting–your body actually makes new skin! From a Chinese medicine point of view, Mei Zen treatments increase Qi (energy) and Blood flow to the face, neck or abdomen, while also balancing the organ systems in your body via specific acupuncture points.

  • Facial and neck Mei Zen treatments are safe during pregnancy, but not recommended. From a Chinese medicine point of view, Mei Zen treatments are not recommended during pregnancy because we don’t want to divert Qi (energy) and Blood from your Uterus while it’s doing the important work of growing a baby. However, abdominal Mei Zen treatments are wonderful and encouraged for boosting fertility and increasing your ability to conceive! Just make sure to finish your 12 treatments before trying to conceive, or take a break from trying.

  • Depending on your age, how you care for your skin and overall health, and the level of toxins you are exposed to on a daily basis, Mei Zen results can last 3-5 years with maintenance. If you are over fifty years old, results can last 1-2 years. Recommended maintenance for any age is one Mei Zen treatment per month.

  • Yes, recommended maintenance is one Mei Zen treatment per month, after you’ve finished the 10-treatment (or 12-treatment abdominal) protocol. You will receive a rose quartz facial roller that will also help to maintain your results. If you choose to incorporate my dietary, supplement, herbal, and/or skin care product recommendations, those will all help to maintain your results as well.

  • Yes! Here are some of the beneficial side effects you might experience:

    • Reduction in hot flashes and night sweats

    • Less anxiety

    • Reduction in mild depression

    • More energy

    • Less insomnia

    • Overall body rejuvenation

    • Cleared sinus congestion

    • Eyes look and feel brighter

    • Resolved headaches

    • Improved digestion

    • No more need to wear foundation

    • No more need to wear chapstick (lips feel more moisturized)

    • Feel more confident and beautiful!

    The only negative side effect is possible bruising.

  • Mei Zen is for anyone over 30 years old who wants to improve the look of their skin without using harsh chemicals, surgery, or other invasive, expensive techniques. Mei Zen is the answer to the search for a minimally invasive, effective, all-natural procedure that has lasting results, no recovery time, and only beneficial side effects.

  • Mei Zen is not for anyone who is experiencing the following: major health issues, chronic illness, pregnancy, has had recent injections (e.g. Botox), migraines, seizures, or uncontrolled hypertension.

why not start today?

Treat yourself to the transformative and nourishing experience of Mei Zen.