I’m Josie.
In 2016, I upended my life and held my young children close as I navigated coming out as queer and non-binary.
Thinking back to that time and remembering the intensity of my internal struggle instantly magnifies my gratitude for the life I have created today. I often compare my story to the mythical Phoenix bird who set fire to its own nest so it could be reborn.
Currently Reading:
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche
Currently Listening:
Eras Tour Setlist + Billie Eilish’s new album (thanks to my 10 and 12-year-old, respectively.)
Intersectional Fertility was born out of that burning nest.
As I woke up to more of who I am, I simultaneously woke up to the identity of the U.S. and the world, and became painfully aware of my role in the “women’s health” industry. As a fertility acupuncturist, my new path and calling emerged loud and clear: to create liberatory and intersectional* spaces for queer, trans, and non-binary folks, especially people of color (QTNBPOC), in reproductive healthcare—and beyond.

First and foremost, I am a Queer Reproductive Justice** advocate. Queer Reproductive Justice encompasses racial justice, disability justice, sex worker rights, access to pleasure, access to food, environmental justice, Indigenous rights, land sovereignty, fat liberation, gender identity rights, sexual orientation rights, and so much more.
Put simply, Queer Reproductive Justice addresses how different oppressions intersect to impact people’s ability to reproduce.

I am clear about
re-centering queer, trans, and non-binary folks in the reproductive healthcare realm.
Not only have we always been here, but we were leaders in reproductive health. It’s not about being “inclusive,” it’s about bringing justice, recognition, and respect back to our qmunity. Our liberation leads to the liberation of all.

There is a significant difference between ‘all are welcome here’ and ‘this was created with you in mind.’
Marcus Harrison Green
Qmunity, all of this was created with you in mind. Welcome.
* The term intersectionality was coined in 1989 by professor Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe how the intersection of a person’s identities like race, class, and gender complicate the ways in which they are oppressed.
Queer Reproductive Justice
** Queer Reproductive Justice is a concept and term coined by my mentor and teacher, full-spectrum birthworker king yaa (always lowercase). “QUEER REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE is the human right to have their FULL SPECTRUM of identities and FULL SPECTRUM of experiences (including FULL SPECTRUM of barriers) to be recognized, included, and affirmed to ensure that NOBODY is left behind. It requires an intentional awareness of intersectionality in addition to one’s positionality when engaging with others. It is the proactive centring of bodily autonomy, community, and global liberation." ~ king yaa
*** Qmunity (queer + community) is a term I learned from my mentor and teacher, full-spectrum birthworker king yaa (always lowercase).

Official Bio
Josie Rodriguez-Bouchier (they/them) L.Ac., M.S., Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM) earned their Master of Science in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in August 2008. This four-year program consists of 3,000 hours of education including 1,000 hours of clinical practice. They were awarded a Diplomate in Chinese Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (NCCAOM) in September 2008. This includes certification in Clean Needle Technique and Chinese Herbology. Josie’s training includes adjunctive therapies such as moxibustion (heat therapy), tui na (Chinese massage), gua sha (friction therapy), acupressure, cupping, auriculotherapy, and dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Josie has also completed the Treatment of Infertility Course with world renown Doctor of Chinese Medicine, teacher, and author, Jane Lyttleton in February 2014, as well as numerous other NCCAOM approved infertility courses. They specialize in healing the whole person: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Josie lives on stolen Cheyenne territory, colonially known as Lakewood, Colorado with their wife, two children, and two rescue pups.